Dec 9th, 2022 - I gave a special lecture at the "2022 ChungKang College Game Conference"
as a special guest. (1.5 hrs)
2022 CGC Cheonggang Game Conference Helena Shin Special Lecture
❗️Topic: <Best strategy for completing 3D characters and improving skills>
❗ Subtitle: Realistic and practical training tips that no one can tell you
1. 3D Character Portfolio Strategy
- Portfolio construction strategies & Pros and Cons.
(1) Concept Art to 3D Work.
(2) Fan Art
(3) Creation
(4) Imitation
- Portfolio total Summary and Recommendation Ranking -
2. 3D Character Artist's top 3D work strategies.
(1) Something that must be done from start to finish.
(2) Hours of work you need to invest in a day.
(3) Throwing this away for completion.
3. Top 3 strategies to develop the ability of Character Artists tp do their job well early.
( More important thing than you think in the hands-on work)
(1) Data and Cleanup
(2) Separation and Organization
(3) Management and Strategies
4. Bonus! A mini special lecture in a Special lecture.
< CG Self- Study Know-how using books and Internet class >